Top 20 Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts to Boost Productivity (2025 Guide)

Top 20 Google Sheets Shortcut Tips

Top 20 Google Sheets Shortcut Tips to Boost Productivity

Why Google Sheets Shortcuts Matter

If you regularly use Google Sheets, you probably know how time-consuming it can be to perform repetitive tasks. Shortcuts eliminate unnecessary clicks and speed up your workflow. According to productivity studies, using keyboard shortcuts can improve efficiency by up to 40%.

Top 20 Google Sheets Shortcuts

# Shortcut Description
1 Ctrl + Space / Shift + Space Select entire column or row
2 Ctrl + 1 Open formatting options
3 Ctrl + Shift + + Insert a new row or column
4 Ctrl + Alt + - Delete rows or columns
5 F4 Repeat last action
6 Ctrl + Shift + Page Down/Page Up Move between tabs
7 Alt + W + F + R Freeze rows and columns
8 Alt + Shift + 7 Apply borders
9 Ctrl + ; / Ctrl + Shift + ; Insert current date and time
10 Ctrl + Shift + V Paste values only
11 Ctrl + 9 / Ctrl + 0 Hide rows and columns
12 Alt + Shift + 5 Apply strikethrough
13 Ctrl + H Find and replace tool
14 Alt + E + M Duplicate a sheet
15 Ctrl + Enter Autofill data
16 Ctrl + + / Ctrl + - Zoom in and out
17 Alt + Shift + → / Alt + Shift + ← Group and ungroup rows
18 Ctrl + Alt + M Add a comment
19 Ctrl + G Jump to a specific cell
20 Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y Undo and redo changes

Final Thoughts

Mastering these Google Sheets shortcuts will make you more productive and efficient. Whether you’re working with financial data, project tracking, or personal budgets, using shortcuts can save valuable time.

Try these out today and revolutionize how you work with Google Sheets!

📢 Got a favorite Google Sheets shortcut? Share it in the comments below!

About the Author

Hello! I'm a passionate digital marketing professional with a keen interest in leveraging innovative strategies to drive brand growth and connect with audiences.

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